Teacher, Researcher, & Administrator
Professional Development
In my administrative and teaching roles, I have designed, facilitated, and assessed a variety of professional development curricula for both writing teachers, writing consultants, and audiences across the curriculum. Across these experiences, I have led conversations and learning engagements around social justice, antiracism, effective writing pedagogy, and un/learning.
These include:
A year-long language justice curriculum following the rollout of the Language Statement for the Writing Center at Michigan State University, including issues of language standardization and colonization, beliefs and values around language and feedback, and implications for practice.
A year-long "Storytelling as Activism" professional development curriculum leading to the East Central Writing Center Association conference, hosted a Michigan State University, on "Critically Imagining Writing Centers: Stories, Counterstories, and Futures." Mentored two graduate assistants into professional development pedagogy and practice.
An "Orienting Antiracism" curriculum for members of the department's equity, justice, and inclusion task force (including tenure-track, academic specialists, and graduate students). Topics covered include intersectionality, white fragility, and structural analysis of white supremacy.
An antiracist administration workshop for members of the department's leadership on whiteness, rhetorical listening, and racialized structures of higher education.
A WAC "Mentoring Graduate Student Writers" curriculum on topics including graduate student mentorship, scaffolding large writing projects (e.g., comprehensive exams and dissertations), feedback, assessment, language and disability justice, antiracist pedagogy, rhetorical analysis, writing transfer.