Teacher, Researcher, & Administrator
Hey there! My name is Nick Sanders. I use he/him/his pronouns. I hold my PhD in Rhetoric and Writing from Michigan State University, and I am the incoming Director of the Center for Teaching, Innovation, and Research at Adams State University.
Both in and beyond the classroom, my work is guided by justice-forward cultures of teaching and learning, including:
antiracist pedagogy & administration,
community engagement,
critical whiteness studies,
writing program & writing center administration,
curriculum design & assessment,
& faculty and educator development.
At Michigan State, I've had the opportunity to teach and co-teach a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses, lead faculty development on issues of antiracist pedagogy, conduct research in writing studies and technical communication, and serve as the Assistant Director of the Writing Center.
Please access the links below to learn more about my research, teaching, and administrative work. Feel free to connect with me by email at sande463@msu.edu to discuss and collaborate.